End of Life Planning

The start of a new year is an ideal time to set the intention to organize your end-of-life plans. Preparing now can save your loved ones time, money, heartache, and disagreements later, and is kind to those you leave behind. Broadly, there are two areas requiring attention: your health care and body, and your earthly possessions and responsibilities. Two timelines…

Death and Taxes

In end-of-life planning, there are two main taxes to consider; probate tax and personal income tax. Probate, the subject of a previous article, is a court certification process which requires a list of your assets and their estimated value. The probate tax on estates with a value greater than $50,000 is currently 1.4% of this total value. Personal income tax is paid on your final…

Your Will

A will is a legal document that leaves instructions about what the person making the will wants done with their estate and obligations after they die. Your estate is made up of the property and possessions, also known as the assets, that you own at your death (some exceptions are joint ownership and those with a designated beneficiary). With a…

Representation Agreement

A Representation Agreement Section 9 (RA9) is a legally enforceable document for authorizing someone—a Representative—to assist you or to act on your behalf for health and personal care matters. The RA9 covers decisions about living arrangements, lifestyle preferences, minor and major health care, and the choice of life support. The RA9 does not cover financial or legal affairs; for this you…

CPP Death Benefit

The Canada Pension Plan (CPP) Death Benefit is a one-time payment, payable to the estate or other eligible individuals, on behalf of a deceased CPP contributor. To qualify for the death benefit, the deceased must have made contributions to the CPP for a sufficient period of time, and if so, the benefit could be as much as $2,500. It must be applied for, preferably within 60 days after the…

End of Life Planning

As our living has become more complex, so has our dying. End-of-life planning is more important than ever. It’s a big job, and takes considerable time and thought. Ultimately, someone has to do it. The effort you put in now can save others incalculable time, money, heartache, and disagreements later. In broad strokes, there are two categories that need your…