Way To Go Meeting Minutes, Sep 19, 2023
17 people came in person, 3 using Zoom. Betsy Young chaired.
After a rich time of sharing, Theresa Lavoie gave a dynamic presentation on “Downsizing”, which hit many chords with the audience. “Leaving it to the kids to sort out” is, she pointed out, not a thoughtful strategy. Theresa had comments on why we may find it difficult to part with things, and practical suggestions for how to tackle what can be a daunting task. As a professional, Theresa has had many opportunities to help people downsize, and shared real life examples of what she’s come across. She respects how difficult the process can be, and how telling the stories that are attached to the objects can help loosen our grip on those that no longer serve us or bring us joy. For those who missed her presentation, Recording of Presentation 2023.09.18 Downsizing by Theresa Lavoie.
Joyce provided this list of places which take things:
St. Peter’s Book Sale 250-286-1613, CR Museum 250-287-3103, Food Bank 250-286-3226, Lighthouse Kitchen 250-287-2699, Hospital Thrift 250-287-4643, Women’s Centre 250-287-3044, Diabetes Red Bins 1-800-505-5525, Salvation Army Thrift 250-286-3010, Men’s Second Chance House 250-830-1103, Second to None Hospice 250-914-1413, Transitions Thrift 250-914-3666, Quadra Children’s Centre Garage Sale 250-285-3511, Philippine’s Garage Sale 250-285-3035, Quadra Circle 250-285-2255, Recycling Return-it 250-287-4224, ReStore 250-830-1493.
Maria mentioned the Community Thrift Store at 971 Cumberland Road in Courtenay (250) 334-2478, which takes clothing items strictly for the material value.
Joan mentioned concerns about the length of time a person might be required to wait in the hospital before being moved to a long term care facility, and how unsuitable the care is while the patient waits. To advocate for change, you can contact Office of the Seniors Advocate BC by emailing info@seniorsadvocatebc.ca or mailing a letter to 6th Floor, 1405 Douglas Street, PO Box 9651, STN PROV GOVT, Victoria BC, V8W 9P4.
Joyce shared these words from the novel, Bird Cottage by Eva Meijer, from the library, page 193. Loss is understanding that nothing was ever yours. Grief is understanding that hope has vanished, or not quite understanding it yet.
Business Items – Joyce reported we have $1,164.38 in our treasury. Melanie told us about the Caregiving and End of Life shelving unit now in the local Quadra Library. With Sulyn unavailable to give a report on the QI Cemetery Society, Ian McPhee, one of the newest board members who has taken on the position of Treasurer, provided an encouraging update. He let us know that responding to evolving community needs fits into the aims of the QICS, and is interested in working with Way To Go. He’d like to see more diversity on the board, reflecting more aspects of the community, and said that they may be looking for more board members. He acknowledged that he was new, and had a lot to learn, but assured us there would be opportunities for discussion and collaboration. Carol Foort reported that the Way To Go table at the Farmer’s Market generated some meaningful and important conversations, raised awareness, and was a fun place to hang out. Margaret talked about the Death Education Fair, and some helpful ideas and thoughts were expressed.