Way To Go Meeting Minutes, Feb 20, 2023

Way To Go Feb 20th Meeting Minutes 13 of us met in the main hall of the QCC, and 4 joined using Zoom, which Matthew kindly facilitated. Heather Simpson chaired the meeting. After a rich time of sharing, Laurie North talked about “My Mother-in-law’s Home Death”.  She spoke about how this death brought family together in a beautiful way, the gift…

Coma Therapy

A significant number of people will experience a coma in the process of dying. As people approach death, they often enter more or less remote states of consciousness for varying periods of time. These states may appear painful for the one dying and cause grief in loved ones. But coma therapists believe that altered states present opportunities, including a chance…

CPP Death Benefit

The Canada Pension Plan (CPP) Death Benefit is a one-time payment, payable to the estate or other eligible individuals, on behalf of a deceased CPP contributor. To qualify for the death benefit, the deceased must have made contributions to the CPP for a sufficient period of time, and if so, the benefit could be as much as $2,500. It must be applied for, preferably within 60 days after the…