Way To Go Meeting Minutes, Nov 21, 2022

15 of us met in the main hall of the QCC, with Besty Young chairing.

After our time of sharing, John Grimstead, chair of the Quadra Island Cemetery Society (QICS) came and gave a presentation about the Quadra Island Cemetery. The first burial in the cemetery took place in 1915. Although all burials are recorded and mapped, the records between 1921 and 1939 were lost, and it has taken effort to fill in the blanks; there may still be some names missing. John talked about the value of headstones. The Campbell River Genealogy Society publishes a booklet, of which a copy was passed around, about the Quadra Cemetery, including the names of all buried there. The cemetery land was donated and held in trust; becoming an official entity that could hold land – a BC Society – meant the land could be transferred and is now owned by the QICS. The QICS are all volunteers, and are pleased to offer their community affordable plots; a sheet was passed comparing prices with other cemeteries. The more affordable price is for residents, but John pointed out the definition of a resident is generous. There has been significant activity lately with many burials of cremated remains, while the only full body burials recently have been in the natural burial area. In the conventional area, cremated remains can be buried above a body, so that one plot can potentially hold one body and six urns with cremated remains. Attached are the handouts John brought to the meeting.

During the business portion of the meeting, Margaret outlined what the topic of our meetings in the 2023 will be; our next meeting is Jan 16th. She talked about the education we’d like to bring to the community, and looked for feedback on how important subtitles are to a potentially elderly audience. The movie that was proposed In The Parlor: The Final Goodbye – TRAILER – YouTube does not come with subtitles.