Way to Go Meeting Minutes, Apr 18, 2022
Thank you for these minutes, Joyce.
15 of us met in person, with at least 7 on zoom, kindly organized by Matthew, in spite of
a few internet difficulties, on our final meeting for this sixth year of Way to Go. Tentative
dates for our fall meetings are Sept. 19, Oct. 17, Nov. 21.
Dina H chaired, and after our usual time of sharing, Cliff Mooney gave a tender and
heartfelt presentation on the care and death of his partner Pippa Kaye, who was the first
natural burial in the Quadra Cemetery. Throughout what must have been an exhausting
five year journey of her illness, their devotion to each other only grew stronger, and Cliff
was ever thankful for the support of our healthcare workers and our amazing community.
Margaret led a review of our recent Death Education Fair. All in all, it was a great success
and she will book it again for late November, 2023. Some suggestions were to have a
simpler event this fall and continue in the off years, maybe adding the recent Death Fair’s
intimate talks of Rm. 3 to the off years, or re-working the schedule to give the table
volunteers time to attend the talks, invite Christa Ovenell to speak from the stage, try to
involve the age 25-45 group, maybe take the word Education from the event’s name, have
the Threshold choir sing a bit more.
Someone suggested having a Way to Go table at the Quadra summer market, and anyone
who would like to help with this should contact Margaret.
Joyce will continue with the small space in each edition of the Discovery Islander as a way
of keeping our profile up, and also contact the Garden Club about our tentative fall dates.
She reports the balance in our Treasury to be $326.40.
FREE Doulagivers 90 Minute Level 1 End of Life Doula Training – Demio
Suzanne O’Brien is a teacher who packs in a lot of helpful information. Learn the
Doulagivers 3 Phases of End-of-Life Care Model, how to interact with patients at the end
of life, and how to offer emotional support to grieving families during and after death.
Also help yourself heal from unresolved grief that you’re carrying around from past
experiences with death and become inspired to start living fully by understanding the
Universal Language of Death that connects us all in our humanity – through presence,
compassion, and the realization that we are all in this together.
From the Guardian: Julia Samuel, ‘The princes turned the dial by talking about grief’
Have a wonderful spring and summer.